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Men's Club

The Mens Club at CAA is a social and service group that meets regularly, welcoming in Jewish men from across the North Shore and Southern New Hampshire.  Our monthly meetings take place mornings over a bagel and lox breakfast.   We also hold a monthly “Jews and Chews” at a local restaurant, with spouses invited, as well as a monthly Pub Night at a variety of local brewpubs.  We are associated with the Federation of Jewish Mens Clubs and partake of their regional activities as well as national Men's Club programming.  

We host varied events throughout the year such as “Steak and Scotch in the Succah”, a ski trip, a pub crawl, Mens Club Shabbat, attendance at the FJMC annual retreat, and Channukah candle sale with proceeds going to the shul.

We are actively involved in the ritual life of CAA.  We conduct the “World Wide Wrap” where congregants are encouraged and instructed in putting on Tfillin.  We provide greeters and ushers for the High Holidays

It is quite an active organization and gives men an opportunity to socialize with each other and participate in Jewish life together.

If you have questions about the CAA Men's Club or want to join them for one of their activities, be in touch!

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785